Cardiff in the snow 2005 Originally uploaded by
wonderful electric.
So the Americans may be celebrating family, turkey, gift-swapping and shopping a mite early with Thanskgiving. Who cares? WE HAVE SNOW!
Admittedly, it’s only a light dusting but there may be more snow falling tonight, which will make the child and photographer in me very very bouncy and happy indeed.
Unfortuantely, the adult driver in me is facing a huge multiple-point 600-mile car journey across the southern UK over 4 days, on motorways, by-ways and narrow Welsh country roads. *gulp* Fortunately, I’ve got a phat 4×4 - and while it’s a betrayal of my environmental principles AND there’s nowhere for me to plug in my iPod, it should get my human cargo and I safely to where we’re going. Eventually.
Originally published at
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