Slightly Late, Long Over Due thoughts on "The Eleventh Hour"

Apr 19, 2010 00:13

HI! As promised, thoughts on the first episode of Series 5, wherein we MEET 11, and I wish I looked like Amy Pond. These are all silly, stream of conciousness thoughts, but... Enjoy!

1)Loathe, LOATHE new Credits...

2 Little Amelia? ADORABLE. ADORABLE.

This is pathetiic of me, but it sorta pains me a bit to see him in 10's tattered clothes. Like, a lot.


-LOL. I loaughed out loud at "You're Scottish! Fry Something!"

-Five Minutes. I don't think so. Jeebus, Doctor. This is not a good way to start.

-Poor Tardis

-Amy Pond is pretty much how I've always wanted to look. I'm just sayin'.

- "Oh, why doesn't anybody listen to me? Do I just have one of those faces that nobody listens to... AGAIN?" Bless 'em.

-He's snarky. I like this. Seriously, I find him to be the lovechild of 9 and 10...

_ Yes, the CGI creature and such add some cheese, but Moffat just always brings the creepy, yeah?

-"Whaaaaaaaaaaat, WHAT? WHAT?!"

-He's so very quirky... and silly. This gets Kate's stamp of approval.


- The.Raggedy.Doctor. I love it, I love it, I love it.

-Oh Look, it's the church from "Father's Day". Agan. <3

- There are some really, really neat shots in this episode. Lots of mixing, and good use of the freeze frame...

- Does Amy Remind anyone else of Gwen Cooper when she's got her BAMFNESS on?


-Rory is adorable, and shouldn't go away. I sense a new tin dog, and I approve.

-AHAHAHA. "Get a GIRLFRIEND, Jeff" Poor, Jeff and Jeff's laptop.

-MYTH with the Psych Symbol for the Y? Yeah. We'll be seeing that again.

-Dude, Jeff is awesome.

- Oh, the MUSIC. Murray.EFFIN.Gold.

-He commandeered a fire truck. <333

-Oh, sweet mother of pearl. That's the Hospital from Torchwood. Come on, friends.

-Oh, HEAVENS. Really? "The Doctor Doesn't Know?" Are we starting with the guilt ALREADY!?

-Go, Jeff and the world!! :0)

-ROFL. "WHO DA MAN?! .... Oh, I'm never saying that again..."

-To HELL, with the Raggdy Doctor. UNEXPECTED!NEKKID Doc.. (Not, Tennat, mebbe, but I 'm not sure I'd turn around either, Amy.)

-Seriously, though. Rory.<3

-Awww, Amy. COME. ON Doctor.

-"You said you wanted to come 14 years ago..."

"I Grew Up." "Well, we'll soon fix that..."

-DISLIKE: New Sonic Screwdriver. It should at LEAST be blew at the end...

-LIKE: The new TARDIS...

-Yeah, back in time for her Wedding that will happen...

Closing thoughts:
It's going to be SO much fun, this series. SO much fun. The preview gave me CHILLS. As much as I was sad to see Tennant go, I enjoy Matt's Doctor already. Amy looks to be fun and feisty as hell. I REALLY, REALLY hate the new screwdriver even more than I hate the new credits, though not by much. That's all small potatoes, though... I"m excited and ready. This is EXCESSIVELY belated, but I shall try to do one of these, (and hopefully more thought out) for each episode. :)

11, squee!, fg-ness, zomg!, tv, dw

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