She needs to sort out her priorities....

Mar 11, 2009 18:08

Apparently college, or anything to do with college, is just... a complete connudrum to me, and I'm doomed to fail.

The whole story isn't nessecary, but due to less than stellar grades, I've had to leave two different schools. Life now stands at a point where I'm probably ready to go BACK to school and what have I gone and done? Freaking defaulted on my ISLoan. Who's a winner at life? Not me apparently.


I decide I'm going to be an adult about all this. Already tried calling them, but offices have closed for the day. Okaaaaaaaaay. Baby steps, and back to budgeting 101. (Attempt #29089408). Does anybody have any good/funny/informative budgeting blogs they can recommend? Reccomendations of people to talk to? Unfortunately, the parents are out of the question- there's just way too much emotion there for it to ever work. Some interweb support might help. Maybe I'll even start my OWN blog. Call it um... Not-So-Celebrity Rehab presents: Debtor's House or something. I find being in debt very much like being an addict... at least in the way in can interfere in your life.

I guess, as mom would say, "It's time to get my adult on".

Okay... because you care:

1) Call Evil Debtor's place

2) Writing down EVERYTHING I spend for a week, starting tomorrow.

3) Find Resources!

4) Always Carry a Towel

5) Finish Taxes.

Okaaaaaaaaaay. Well, that was not exactly the the brilliant return to live journal I had planned- but thank you dear readers for letting me vent. I'll leave you with a bit of the ORIGINAL POST I had planned for my return...

1) I'm sorry I've been so very, very MIA. Theater ate my life in Feb., and my dinosaur of a computer seems to lack the ability to run more than one application at a time, so I've been sketchy on AIM

2) Mum's having been having vision trouble. It hit hard and fast a couple weeks ago- and they're not sure what's going on. Mom joked that she should be an episode of House. News so far is inconclusive, but hopeful. No cancer, eyes are healthy... Today she had biopsies on the left and right temporal lobes to look at the arteries there. So, it's touch and go- but she's feeling good, at least

3) Yesterday I was wearing flip flops and got to go for a run outside. Currently, I'm wrapped in blankets with some hot chocolate. Midwest spring has sprung.

4) Ummmm. Mostly everybody here who would care, knows this, but I have a twitter: Follow if you like!

5) I really am back! I missed my interweb. How're you all?? Heh. Thought up some new features, and may even re-instate fangirl- friday.... Shaun... don't give me that look. ;)

Coming Soon: Where I've been, Part One: Acting Workshops...

real life, budgeting hell, things

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