Innovative, bordering on the avant garde, or: Beginning of March Things: REPOST, sorry!

Mar 07, 2008 15:26

List posts, I do often, yeeeeeees? Yes. Silly as it is, I have a desire to try and put just a leetle more content in my blogs... and am trying to limit the number of "things" posts. Of late though, every time I try and sit down and write something proper... I just go blank. Things posts are a great way to combat this

SO: Compromise! I've decided that I'm allowed to do these "things" post twice a month once at the beginning, and once at the end. That way everything is covered,but the "things" posts don't over run everything and become a cop out:SO... without further gilding the lily and NO more ado:

THINGS, Beginning of March Style:

Wildly Cherry M&M's exist,and are utterly GLORIOUS. The concept sort of blew my mind, so I had to try some. It's like eating Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia... in candy form. OMG.

* I actually practiced voice for the first time in FOREVER on Tuesday. Warmed up and everything, and it felt fantastic. charles_the_gnu, you'd be proud: I even remembered how to play scales on the piano correctly. I'm going to try and practice at least three times a week...

* After watching my copy of Becoming Jane and seeing Atonement this past weekend, I felt the need to revisit the James McAvoy Pic Spam of Glory.Atonement was good, and VERY pretty- but prolly over hyped. Also, it's fairly obvious that the book is probably 29039048309 times better. And someone needs to give Keira Knightly a sandwich. Or five.

* An extremely happy and overdue HAPPY BIRTHDAY to
krisstudly    *Hangs head in shame for being so late and hugs you*

*Once is a fantastic movie, and has even better movie. More to come in FGF!

* Pictures of Wicked Weekend '08 and the Oscar Party I threw my parents are FINALLY posted. There's also a video or two... from the red carpet. Obviously.

*Wolverine doesn't do high kicks. But Hugh Jackman does! Pure gold, folks.

*Having a "routine" for the work week.... is proving very difficult. Sure, flexibility is important n' all... but I'm having a heck of a time trying to find a happy medium. Any suggestions, F-list??

* Finances... are better, but not fantastic. I'm considering getting a second (part time) job. Thoughts? Suggestions?

*I'm ditz, and totally forgot to ACTUALLY post that video of Victor Garber singing "Freedom" in my last post. Here you go:

image Click to view

Right. Enough randomness for you now. HAPPY FRIDAY! P.S. Five Extra FG points if you get the subject title reference.

ETA: Okay, hopefully that looks a bit better. All that talk about trying to make more coherent blog posts, etc: and I don't even look at the thing. Should be fixed now, though! And I put in the links to the Oscar Party videos *Blushes and Runs away* Sorry about the repost, but I edited the dang thing so much, it seemed like the thing to do...

P.P.S. It started snowing at 9:30 a.m. There's already at least 4 inches of snow on the ground, and it's NOT STOPPING. Early dissmissal A) is awesome on a Friday and B) very much called for. I had to take "the long way" home because my usual turn off was blocked by two snow plows, and two midsid sedans. All stuck, or spun out. Guess which two vehicles were in the DITCH?!...

linkage, pics, "so called real world", fg-ness, randomness, little bit of everything, tv

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