
Aug 06, 2008 22:58

Soooo Breaking Dawn came out this week (well, last Saturday actually) and I finished reading it today.  All in all, I liked it. If I were to rank it, it'd placed 2nd or 3rd with Twilight being number 1 and New Moon being number 4 .  I'll have to reread Eclipse again because or the life of me, I can't remember anything that happened in that book.  Hahaha.  But here's what I thought:

- First of all, "Renesmee?"  Ugliest. name. ever.  Seriously what the fuck?  What would've made more sense was to name her Reenee or something that sounds better. Ha.

- Anyone think that this book seemed way too sexual than it should have been?

- Hahahahaha sex.  Ed's such a baby.

- Esme had nothing in this story at all.

- Same with Charlie, Alice, Jasper, and Emett.

- Seriously, there was not a lot of Alice and Bella friendship/interaction at all.

- Rosalie...uh what? Lol.  I liked how she was being all possessive and helpful to Bella, not matter how selfish the reasons were on her part.  I did expect her to try and keep Nessie all to herself though.

- Funny when Charlie told Bella SHE had to tell Renee...and then Renee totally not caring!

- Bella getting pregnant...also obvious.

- Jacob's POV was like a breath of fresh air.  I liked seeing the pack interactions.

- UH. Jacob imprinting on Renesmee? Called it.

- Bella's reaction? Priceless.

- :( I was kind of rooting for Jacob & Leah but nooooooooooo.

- Jacob & Rosalie are awesome!  Hahaha "drown a blonde?" hahahaha

- Irina.  I was like "uhh who?"

- I would have liked more of an explanation on the wives.  Hahaha.

- Whoooo finally having an explanation on Bella's weird ass power!  She's a shield!  Never would have thought of that.

- Liked the final chapters with the Volturi.

- DID NOT like how no fight actually came out of it.  SM was building up to this since the beginning and then nothing.

- Uhm...I want more of the Twilight saga...lol.

- A lot of people are saying that they don't like the book and that it was extremely different and blah blah blah.  But seriously, why wouldn't it be different?  If you don't expect Edward to be happy or for Bella to be an uber vamp, then what story were you reading?  LOL.  Edward couldn't be expected to stay angst-ridden and brooding forever.  Uh helloooo...marriage? Eternity with Bella? DUH.  And I wasn't really surprised when Bella turned out to be an uber vamp.  She did have her freaky power right from the beginning.  Lol.  Whatever, I can't wait for the Twilight encyclopedia.

twilight series, books, breaking dawn, stephenie meyer

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