Title: Meow 4/?
Pairing: Dom/Elijah
Rating/Warnings: PG. None yet.
Notes: Aka the werekitten fic.
Of course on the Rings set, the younger actors admire their more experienced elders and everyone has a great deal of respect for one another, "And all that rot," Dom says, "but enough's enough, time to have a bit of fun."
Sean looks at the stack of DVDs in Dom's hands... )
teeny tiny thing, feel free to ignore? Dom's scale double I believe was actually called Martin, and yes, he really was a Kind. ♥
I used IMDb to get the name of Dom's double, but the double whose name I used was only labeled Merry's stunt double-- it was hard to tell whether that was the same as the kid who played his scale double. I'm inclined to go with your memory over IMDb's vagueness, so I'll change it! Thank you!
She always does that to me, too, but tenfold when it's like this, near-canon shooting fic (as opposed to AUness, I mean). I never want it to stop ever ever ever pls. And then I realise I said nearcanonity for a werekitten fic, and.
i say it again.
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