Oct 25, 2004 16:29
Okay everyone, I'm having a day where I feel like updating, but I have no idea what to write. I know if I just start typing, eventually I'll end up talking about something everyone is sick of by now. I mean hey, you've all put up with my shit for long enough, and I think it's about time we had some fan-participation here!
TO EVERYONE WHO READS THIS: This is your chance! You, THE READER, get to decide what I ramble on about next! What will it be? I don't know. I'll have to wait and see!
Here's the simple rule for this... Post a comment on this and just type up what you want me to talk about. (Even if you don't have a livejournal account, you can still post under anonymous, but please leave your name) After they're all up the decision will be made as to which topic I shall do.
As far as the actual topic-choosing situation goes, maybe I'll hold a vote. Or maybe I'll just pick whatever topic I like best. And hey, I'd like to get a lot of ideas, so see if your friends are interested in doing this too. Hey, maybe I'll get some more readers out of the deal!
IF YOU ARE PARTICIPATING - all topic submissions are due by NOVEMBER 1st at 3:00 PM.
Happy Posting!