Feb 12, 2005 23:34
It has only been like an hour since my last post, but I couldn't help myself... I found this too damn funny to pass up!
Paul: I'm a father
Wink: Are you?
Paul: Yes
Wink: Wait, I read that as "farter."
Paul: Well that really changes the meaning
Wink: Yes.. so, how/why/fuck/how are you a "father"?
Paul: Remember that time we went to that sperm bank as a field trip in sixth grade?
Wink: Why yes, yes I do
Paul: Well, i deterred from the tour, and made a deposit
Wink: Of course you did.. I remember that day perfectly. You had a ZZ Top beard and sunglasses, and I could fly.
Paul: And apparently some woman wanted a 12 year old's baby
Wink: Wow
Paul: He's a cutie, Little Jamal
...and later...
Paul: Wow, your...whatever the hell she is...listens to Jay-z
Wink: Girlfriend, and yes
Now, either these things were REALLY fucking funny, or I am just tired as hell....