Today is half over, tomorrow is yet to come

Dec 25, 2004 15:09

Well, today is almost over, I do not have anything against Christmas, but I just wish there was more things for non-Christians to do. I have been reading and writing most of the day, and I am just a little bored.

I believe that after tomorrow, life will be pretty normal again, and I will be able to shop without being annoyed by once a year shoppers. However, tomorrow is the worst day to go shopping, it is crazy because of the after Christmas sales, and the people returning the gifts they pretended to like. I usually avoid malls on the 26th out of fear for my life, but tomorrow, I am going to brave it because I will have a friend with me. Plus, I want to get out and do something, and I do not want to go somewhere to sit still. If I survive, I will write about it later.
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