I had a dream about the SGA movie last night. To enhance verisimilitude, my subconscious made the dream-movie extremely stupid.
A major plot point involved Rodney getting retrovirused to become a non-lifesucking variant of Wraith, which Todd required as a demonstration that it was safe for the Wraith to get treated to become non-lifesucking. Todd wanted John to do it, but Rodney and Carson thought that it would be dangerous for John because he'd been infected with Iratus cooties before. Todd insisted that the Wraith needed to see a leader take the treatment, so Rodney got them to accept him instead.
Jennifer was proud of Rodney for doing it at first but soon became really freaked out because he not only started looking Wraithy, his personality changed; he became a lot smoother and less cranky, but also more ruthless and unforgiving. Also, he didn't tell her that he'd done it to spare John until he was all Wraithed up, when he told her during an argument to hurt her feelings on purpose. So that ended their relationship.
Eventually it came out that Todd had Rodney retrovirused because Wraith were using their telepathy to read Rodney's mind. They'd wanted Rodney all along and only said they'd prefer John to get Rodney to volunteer. So Rodney was quickly sedated and the process reversed.
Meanwhile, John, Ronon and Teyla were fighting another faction of Wraith who'd made it as far as invading Earth. SGC wouldn't let them fight at first because they were still trying to keep everything secret and felt John & Co. would blow it, so John left the SGC and the Air Force. In order to show how much time had passed since then, John had long hair. In a ponytail.
Wtf, brain. W. T. F.
http://cesare.dreamwidth.org/62465.html |
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