slurp caro syrup casey yum

Dec 30, 2003 04:38

Blame mirabellawotr entirely for this one ( Read more... )

faculty, fic

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Comments 15

mirabellawotr December 30 2003, 02:43:22 UTC
Ahahahaha! You were up all night writing vampire!Casey too! Now I don't feel so bad.

This was great. I love the last line.


almostnever December 30 2003, 02:47:19 UTC
Well, I was up all night writing evil BDSM RPS-- but with the few letters of the alphabet I had to spare, I did this. :D

If you're writing some too, ooooooh, can't wait to see that. Vampire Casey. Yum. Well, ANY Casey, yum. But... yeah.


anatsuno December 30 2003, 04:49:43 UTC
evil? why evil?

E!Lij: bzuh? I don't recall anything happening... *frowns worriedly*


thickwood December 30 2003, 02:51:33 UTC
*seconds Ces on vamp!Case front*

we needs it, we wants more!

*still daydreams of peterpan!Lij in her own corner*


la_sigh December 30 2003, 03:07:57 UTC
what you missed and what was missing you, what was cold and hungry for you, waiting in the dark.

Yum, that is so good that I'm hungry for more. Really like the cold and hungry for you phrase. So much of fan fic deals in all the hot and steamy that cold and hungry becomes very striking.

for weeks the only Casey that Zeke sees is twilight Casey, in glimpses,

Love this line, the whole description of how Casey looks and how Zeke sees him is good but this line rocks me it's almost melodic.



azrhiaz December 30 2003, 03:33:10 UTC

Kickass, yeah.

*throws in yet another vote for more*


westmoon December 30 2003, 08:58:41 UTC
"Hey Case," Zeke says, weirdly pleased to see him, oddly glad at the prospect of talking to him again. Strangely hoping, and so wrong, that this means things are going to go back to normal.

Ahh. I like this. Much what I'd expect the reformed Zeke of the movie to be feeling right about now. And the air of quiet menace - when Casey hasn't said a word... *shivers*


lush_rimbaud December 30 2003, 10:58:40 UTC


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