so, euchre night at the creek + new hanger one vodka= me unable to comprehend cards at all.
i packed my room today. SHIT I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF. i even cut down. being an art major means i bring the major baggage... hells yes.
i feel like this year may be real weird.
ive got austin to look forward to though with my lovelies MARY AND JUSTIN.
plus, the "get trashed" garbage bag party in bloomington at glo and ems new place
so, im driving down the road today and see the "i love my country but i think we should start seeing other people" bumper sticker and am reminded of jenna who also has said sticker, which reminds me of a time when we were cruisin down PCH past malibu 2 months ago when jenna nearly misses crashing into
THIS GUY IN HIS F-EN ferrari convertible:
being embarassed that we almost changed our future financial lives for the worse, jenna tries to avoid eye contact at the approaching stoplight but finds it hard because this cheese is waving at us and trying to get our attention, so we approach, expecting to be thrown some harsh words, but instead we get
this middle-aged long haired malibu man who says, "Maaaaan, I totally love your bumper sticker", and speeds away in his 150k dollar sportscar.
good stuff.