Since my last post, I have:
Met Noel Fielding! In Beyond Retro.
Him: "Do you work here?"
Me: "Er... No? Oh, hello!" (handshake)
Him: "Nice hat!" and some other things but I won't bore you with the details of his amazing hair and amazing coat and utter loveliness. <3
Been to Venice! With
citoyenne and Linda, two of my favourite people in all the world. We couldn't afford to do any of the proper Carnevale stuff, but we had fun! Venice (or Venezia, actually) is the most beautiful city I've ever been to. Expensive and full of tourists, yes, but it's like travelling back in time to the 1700s. Lovely. And the hot chocolate was divine. We went to see people in amazing 18th century costumes play Vivaldi, but one of them was completely out of tune and rhythm and everything else that you can be out of, music wise. And the first violin kept showing off that he could play really fast but kept missing half the notes. Vivaldi = a baroque composer. A lot of notes is pretty much the point. Anyway, we were actually some of the better dressed "normal people" (a.i: other people who couldn't afford to spend four grand on a dress and another three on a ticket for one of the balls) and tourists took pictures of us, which was amusing as we were tourists as well. I wore my tophat, as usual. But we're going to a vintage valentines party tonight, I might wear a dress for that. Maybe. Oh, and guess what I bought in Venice? A Jacobean ruff. Silver. It is gorgeous.
Acquired some flatmates for next year! I don't know them very well, but that just adds to the excitement.
Contributed to this:
Happy Valentines, Stephen! Also, I've got a massive cold and stuff to do.