Fic: Fluid

Aug 30, 2019 11:53

So, don't know if anyone's here anymore, but just in case, I am posting this here. Fake cut takes you to the fic on my lj.

Title: Fluid
Author: skyblue_reverie
Fandom & Pairing: Almost Human, John Kennex/Dorian
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: around 1200
Summary: John and Dorian have a coital discussion about android fluid maintenance.
Author's Notes: My first Almost Human fic, and hopefully not the last! Set vaguely post-canon, but no spoilers. Thank you to my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Shannon, for joint squeeing over Karl’s hotness (even/especially when making Scrunchy Gun Face discussions about android semen and chat-writing sessions and sikik-twinness and being the most awesomest, ever.

( Damn, keeping up with Dorian was tiring. )

pairing: john kennex/dorian, fic: explicit

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