Fics: John/Dorian, Stahl/Maldonado

Feb 20, 2014 15:43

This was written for the 20-minute challenge:

Title: In Confidence
Characters/Pairing: John&Dorian
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of canon mental health issues.
Summary: The department is concerned about John's mental state, and they want Dorian to help monitor John.
Includes: John joking about them being a couple, but in this fic, they're not in a relationship (yet?).


“John, we need to talk,” Dorian said quietly. He looked over at John, who was sitting in the driver’s seat.

“Sheesh, with that comment, you’d think we were breaking up,” John snarked. “Let me guess, you’re leaving me for a microwave oven.”

“Don’t think you can distract me by being an ass. If that worked, we would have stopped talking a long time ago,” Dorian said with a smile.

John rolled his eyes. “So what’s this important thing we have to talk about?”

“You know that part of my job is monitoring your psychological state. How you cope with on-the-job stress, any signs that you’re getting worse, and so on.”

“I’m doing fine,” John gritted out.

“The department isn’t convinced.”

“So convince them.”

“Lie to them?”

“I would do it for you,” John muttered, almost reluctant to admit it.

Dorian smiled. “I know you would. To protect me. But I’m not sure that covering up your signs of past trauma would really be helping you.”

“Look, I’m a damn good cop, and if you don’t--”

“But that’s not what I needed to talk to you about.”

John paused, stared ahead at the road. “Then what?”

“To help me better monitor your progress and gauge your mental state, they’ve given me access to sound recordings of all of your sessions with your mandated therapist.”

John’s jaw twitched. He pulled over onto the shoulder and turned to Dorian.

“That’s confidential,” John gritted out.

“I know. But they don’t think of me as human, so to them, it’s just like storing the files on a computer.”

“You had no right, Dorian!”

Dorian raised an eyebrow. “I’m surprised you’re so upset. I would have assumed you just give your therapist enough made-up stories of working through the trauma to stay cleared for duty.”

John started to yell again, but then paused, catching something. “Would have? As in, you haven’t accessed the files?”

“I would never violate your trust like that, John. And besides, you deserve to have a place where you can talk to someone confidentially about your… issues.”

“I don’t have issues.”


John sighed, finally breathing normally again. He looked over at Dorian. “Thanks.”

Dorian nodded. “I just thought you should know - the department’s noticed you’ve been having some problems. So have I. You might want to… address them.”

“Yeah, I’ll take that under advisement,” John grumbled, pulling back onto the road.

Dorian frowned and looked out the window, away from John.

Note: For the prompt: exposed

Other fics:

Title: Night Vision
Characters/Pairing: Dorian/Kennex
Rating: M
Warnings: Sexual content
Summary: While he's recharging, Dorian dreams. Sometimes he dreams about being human. Sometimes, he dreams about having sex with Kennex.

Dorian never told anyone, not even Rudy, that at night, he dreamed.

Sometimes it would be nightmares, of being deactivated, or of the department turning against him. Sometimes it was nightmares of things he’s seen, people he wasn’t able to save.

Sometimes, he would have strange dreams, neither good nor bad: meeting a fellow robot who looked like a giant rabbit, for instance.

Sometimes, he would dream that he was human. Some of these dreams were good, and some were very, very bad.

The best ones involved sex.

Dorian knew that he was as capable as humans of sexual activity (or more so) and of sexual pleasure too. But he also knew that the android and biochemical circuits were not quite the same, and so the experience, though equally valuable, would be different for humans.

Dorian knew the nervous system of humans well, and could imagine what it would be like to have sex as a different being.

Sometimes he dreamed of Kennex.

Kennex kissing him, gentle then rougher. Some kind of hunger that John could barely control.

John pulling Dorian’s shirt off. (Would Dorian feel shy about his body if it had imperfections? He hopes not - he loves the little quirks of human physiology, the uneven spots, the birthmarks and scars, the parts that aren’t all smoothed over.)

John rubbing his hands up and down Dorian’s sides, feeling the softness of his flesh, the yield of it.

Goosebumps raising on Dorian’s skin at the feel of John’s hands.

John moving, then, behind Dorian, kissing a line down Dorian’s spine.

Dorian’s breath quickening. A physiological reaction he can’t control.

John sucking a bruise on the back of Dorian’s shoulder, right where it meets the neck. John’s hands coming around to caress Dorian’s chest, then stomach, then lower.

Maybe Dorian would beg. Maybe he would be hopeless with arousal, desperate.

In his dream, whenever he begged, John would tease him mercilessly. But eventually, John would give in.

John would press him down slowly onto the bed, hands holding down Dorian’s wrists; Dorian likes this, and John knows it (Dorian is weaker than John in this dream, and the power John has over him is overwhelming, luscious).

John would kiss him again, then tug at the waistline of Dorian’s pants, stripping him. John would kiss his shoulder, and Dorian would nuzzle against John’s hair, and both their hands would be everywhere. Dorian would start to rut up against John, and John would slap his ass as a reprimand, a loud smack as his hand met Dorian’s soft flesh.

Eventually, though, John would move his lips downward, would wrap his mouth around Dorian and make him lose himself, make him groan and whimper and beg some more until, finally, he was allowed to spend in John’s mouth.

He would do the same for John then, sucking and licking frantically, eagerly, until John came.

They would lie in bed after for a long time. They would say nothing but hold each other tight.

Dorian would be breathing hard, covered in sweat.

Sometimes, John would be the same. But, in Dorian’s very favorite iteration of this dream, Dorian was human but John was an android.

Dorian didn’t know why he dreamed of this so often, or why the dream pleased him so much.

But he knew that there was no one he could ask.

Title: The Detective Needs Proof: Five Times Valerie or Sandra Know Exactly the Right Thing to Say
Characters/Pairing: Stahl/Maldonado
Rating: T
Summary: Five important moments in Valerie/Sandra's relationship.

And two Dorian/Kennex drabbles:

Title: Lessons
Characters/Pairing: Dorian/Kennex
Rating: T
Summary: Kennex wants to learn how Dorian's body responds. For these prompts at Porn Battle XV: Almost Human, John/Dorian, learning, trust, bodies, connection

Title: Data Acquisition
Characters/Pairing: Dorian/Kennex
Rating: T
Summary: Dorian wonders what Kennex likes in bed. So he asks. For this prompt at the 3-sentence-ficathon on livejournal: Kennex/Dorian, we are not having this conversation

character: sandra maldonado, challenge: 20 min fic, pairing: sandra maldonado/valerie stahl, fic: mature, by: daria234, pairing: john kennex/dorian, character: valerie stahl, fic: teen, character: john kennex, character: dorian

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