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caarianna February 18 2014, 05:45:29 UTC
Geez, this show just keeps getting better and better. Nice to see Dorian now living with Rudy and being upset when Rudy invades his 'privacy'. What was that about oddly clad women? ::bad Rudy!:: Dorian can tell Rudy isn't being entirely straight with him, hence the 'you don't need to keep things from me' conversation -- Rudy's not good at hiding how worried he is. Glad he shared the worry with John. Also glad that John's willing to keep it quiet until Rudy can figure it out, but they really should tell Dorian. He won't like being kept in the dark.

Someone on twitter suggested they think DRN's are somehow a clone/android mix using the organic memories of kids on the other side of the wall -- which would be VERY creepy. Given bots with human DNA in their skin have to be turned off and destroyed (I miss Vanessa so much and wish we could bring her back, but I digress) I can't imagine the powers that be would be comfortable with droids that hold organic memories. I'm guessing his 'creator' really did see Dorian as his 'child' and did all he could to make Dorian that child. Wonder if all the DRNs had similar memories installed? Someone needs to check DRN-494!

I really liked the case of the week tonight; we're not all that far away from having that kind of 'secure house' now. I enjoyed the two hackers dueling it out at the end. And I really like the new mystery about who put organic memories into Dorian's head. Man, this show needs 36 eps every year (not 13) to explain all the mysteries they are dangling in front of us.

Sweet of Richard to take his mother to Mexico for her birthday! There's a lot more to this guy, I think, than we've yet seen.

I'm of mixed feelings about John's 'rumors' about Richard's absence. It's male humor but it comes very close to bullying behavior: generating unsubstantiated, unflattering rumors to mock a colleague really isn't funny, not when John is so popular with his boss and colleague (Stahl) whereas Richard isn't as well regarded (Sandra didn't confront John when he mocked Richard, said it could have worse, could have shot Richard and not just his MX- she had trouble hiding the smile).

Anyway, given that John blasted one bad guy who was wounded and unarmed (albeit very dangerous), this 'humor' or bullying, whatever it is, could indicate some very dark stuff in his character. I'm probably overthinking it and he's just trying to be funny. As a boss, though, if I were Sandra, I'd be following up and suggesting that John's behavior has been inappropriate. His rumors also could leave the uniforms feeling stupid for believing him (and so tarnish his credibility) and he clearly left that female uniform worried.


caarianna February 18 2014, 05:46:07 UTC
Second part of comments (original note was too long to post)

As for Stahl, I think being a 'chrome' is supposed to entail her being preternaturally calm (which seems to come across as flat to most folks) as well as unusually beautiful and brilliant. Generally, I like her, like the idea of a competent detective/intelligence officer who can't be bullied and pushes back when Richard or John are out of line, who is decent to people, compassionate, follows up to do the right thing, like making sure the mother knew her son had had a lot of friends and impacted a lot of lives or getting that company to replace all the pirated synthetic hearts. I know folks don't much want to see a romance between her and John; nor do I -- I think it would be inappropriate in the workplace and an unnecessary complication in the storyline; men and women can and must work together without them constantly falling for each other. But so far, she's just been a good colleague with him, sharing a drink and watching sports. I like that she's considerate of her MX, and treats Dorian as an equal.

Anyway, all round good ep tonight. I'm impressed once again about how they make the minor characters, the victims, feel so real. I also liked how that synthetic security droid was a cross between DRN and MXs -- he seemed more 'human' than an MX but didn't convey any real warmth, like Dorian does. And, of course, I loved that Dorian not only beat the other bot into the ground, but also had the compassion to help the girl, who was also a kind of victim. Her comment, that he couldn't continue to threaten her with a gun when she was on the edge of committing suicide was interesting ... I think Dorian may be programmed to only take a life when someone is threatening to kill others. Even when he went after the InSyndicate guy who was shooting at him, he put his gun away -- if the guy had continued shooting at John, Dorian would have blown him away.

I like how this show doesn't tell us everything, but lets us learn more about the era as time goes on. The Wall, etc, is well known to the characters, a core part of their world, so there's no need for them to explain it to one another. It's all very intriguing. Love this show!

Next Friday, Michael Ealy is up for a NAACP Image Award for outstanding dramatic performance!


laguera25 February 18 2014, 16:35:20 UTC
I wish I could have your optimism and charitable interpretation of Stahl, but IMO, Minka Kelly has thus far proven herself utterly incapable of being anything but doe-eyed and dumb and ineffectually worried about Kennex. And I didn't find her particularly tactful with Mrs. Kazden. Her shift from sympathetic to brisk was rather cack-handed and abrupt. Surely there were other actresses who could've handled this role more adroitly. Sometimes being young and attractive isn't enough.


norfolkdumpling February 19 2014, 21:54:36 UTC
Hello, mod here--just a quick reminder that while we encourage discussion of the characters and their development and relationship, we try to avoid the more unfavourable personal remarks about the actors who play them because however well intentioned, they can veer into wank territory.

We appreciate your contribution to keeping the discussion lively and hope you understand the desire to keep our little comm as wank-free as possible.


laguera25 February 19 2014, 22:17:16 UTC
So, criticizing an actress' work, a job for which she is paid and to which the showrunners are asking me to devote fannish time and resources, is not allowed?

All right, then.


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