Fic: Third Party - AH/SGA/GWTW (NC17)

Feb 11, 2014 12:57

In answer to a prompt given in the secret character meme that was going around awhile back, I wrote this 'interesting' piece of crossover naughtiness.  I thought there might be someone out there who'd like to read it, so I'll just leave it here. :D

Title: Third Party
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,431
Warnings: Absolutely no feasible plot, dubious characterization, and…*gestures* well, you’ll see.
Prompt: big_heart_june offered: Characters 1 & 15 are having awesome dirty sex, character 6 wants to join them. What happens?
A/N: I had absolutely NO valid reason for having these three all in one place, so we’re totally going with PWP for this response.  OMG! *blushes and hides quietly in a corner* You did say dirrrrty. I hope this…er…comes up to par.
A/N 2: Very special thanks to auscaz who was inspired by the character list and started creating the art even before she'd read the story! ♥

1. John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis)
6. John Kennex (Almost Human)
15. Scarlett O’Hara (Gone With the Wind)

Read at my LJ or AO3


fic: explicit, character: john kennex, by: wings128

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