Two Fics: John/Dorian, Sandra/Valerie, steampunk AU and fairy tale fusion

Jan 11, 2014 02:17

Two Dennex fics for Almost Human:

Title: A Most Delightful Contraption
Characters/Pairings: John/Dorian, Sandra/Valerie
Rating: PG
Summary: Steampunk AU. In which Kennex is an uptight Victorian gentleman, Stahl is a suffragist and scientist, and a man-shaped contraption says the most improper things.

Title: Castle Walls
Characters/Pairings: John/Dorian
Rating: PG
Summary: Dorian remembers what it was like when he was deactivated, and what it felt like when John brought him back to the waking world. (Sleeping Beauty AU/fusion)

pairing: john kennex/dorian, by: daria234, fic: teen, character: valerie stahl, pairing: sandra maldonado/valerie stahl, character: john kennex, character: dorian

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