Almost Human? ~ "Part" 3

Jan 06, 2014 22:01

So, this is now part 3 - I’m really sorry it took me a little longer than Part 1 and 2, but I had my 2 nine-year-old nieces over the last few days and you can imagine, those kids kept me pretty busy. It’s actually and probably the last part since, well, the 4th part I had planned was probably really awful (at least that's more or less what I've been told and since I'm open to concrit I accept that!) and so I might just leave it at that… not sure yet… I’m glad some of you enjoyed what I did here, though and thanks for all the comments already ;-) That means a lot to me since Almost Human is like one of my Top 3 shows at the moment and I’m still insecure writing in that fandom ;-)

Title: "Almost Human?"
Chapter Title: Answers
Chapter: 3/3
Writer:  bm_shipper
Pairing: John Kennex/Dorian - but not really pairing, more in a friendshippy kind of way!
Rating: PG-13 for now, but "sex-talk" is involved
Word count: 2,255 for this chapter
Language: English
Summary: Set mostly after the "Are you like that down there?" episode with John wondering just how "human" Dorian is and not being able to completely let go of that topic, so of course he has some more questions for Dorian!
Disclaimer: I don't own Almost Human or their characters and make no money from this story. I'll write it just for fun and because John and Dorian inspire me so much, but that never happened in the show and most likely WILL never happen unfortunately ;-)

On AO3

I might add a link later, but somehow it won't let me. I tried 3 different browsers but ffnet won't let me "manage my stories" right now -.- NO idea why. it's always the same error!

character: rudy lom, fic: teen, character: john kennex, by: bm_shipper, character: dorian

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