May 29, 2006 02:26
Oh what beautiful distractions.
Stolen from Chels!
1. My ex is...
long gone but never forgotten
2. I am listening to...
the hum of my green computer
3. Maybe I should...
Clean my room….. get my life together…or go to bed.
4. I love...
my friends. I loveeee…to sing. I love to theorize and deconstruct things to its inner core.
5. My best friend...
is a few people. I guess my bestest and longest friend is Arick. But… the title of best friend is not solely held by one single person. I consider that crown to be worn by 2-4 folks.
6. I don't understand...
people. I don’t understand how they think or react. I don’t understand why people are not open minded or pig headed…or flat out rude.
7. I lose...
faith in people. .. and in myself.
8. People say...
I need to not let go so easily.
My retort is… perhaps I should let go more.
What people hardly realize about me is: I give people chances. I do not simply cut off folks. I have given a slew of chances and opportunities to the people I have “let go” of. (sometimes more than what is deserved)
9. I want to…
grow and experience new things and new ideas. I want to meet new people that will expand my knowledge….. study to grow my understanding of the world and beyond…and gaze upon wonders of the worlds that I have only seen on television and in books.
10. Love is...
a battlefield?
Well… I would say love is a challenge. Love is questionable. Love is something that is a foreign concept to me…and quite possible, may or may not be for me.
11. Somewhere, someone is...
blissfully happy.
12. I will always...
have a opinion about everything and everyone.
…. I will always question peoples intentions.
I will always be unsure of my relationships with people…
13. Forever seems...
14. I never want to...
be questioned on my morals or values.
15. My mobile phone is...
a treo that I just got from work. Whoot whoot.
16. When I wake up in the morning..
I wonder where I am supposed to be…cause I am always on the run.
17. I get annoyed when...
people say one thing and do another.
When… people cannot admit their mistakes.
Someone is rude because they think its funny.
18. Parties are...
excuses to get together.
19. My Dog is...
uhm…. (insert male cliché here)
20. Kisses are the worst when:
when there is lotsa saliva.
21. Today I...
spent the day with Nae…. Went to visit Iggie at work with Renee…and I watched X-Men 3 at 11:30 p.m.
22. Tonight I will...
go to bed early and prepare for a hectic week.
23. Tomorrow I will...
try to get to where I need to be with my preparation for this week.
24. I really want....
to move out.
To save more money.
And to become debt free!
(added by me)
25. In the end….
It doesn’t matter what you said …. It matters how you made someone feel.