A tutorial request by
Today we are going to turn this:
Into this:
For PSP8 & higher, probably is translatable.
1. First off, take your base, resize it, all the good stuff.
2. Now do all the auto stuff in PSP. That would be, Adjust -> Colour Balance -> Automatic Colour Balance, Adjust -> Brightness And Contrast -> Automatic Contrast Enhancement (bias-neutral, strength-normal, appearance-natural), and finally Adjust -> Hue And Saturation -> Automatic Saturation Enhancement. This gave me the base I showed you up there of
3. Create a new Hue/Saturation/Lightness Adjustment layer (Layers -> New Adjustment Layer -> Hue/Saturation/Lightness). Set the saturation to 10 (play around with this from about -20 to 20, it gives interesting results).
4. Create a new Colour Balance layer (Layers -> New Adjustment Layer -> Colour Balance). Have the settings set to the following:
Midtones: Red 70, Magenta -15, Yellow -10
Shadows: Cyan -18, Magenta -17, Blue 10
Highlights: Red 100, Green 10, Yellow -15
And click ok. Be free to mess around with the opacity of this layer if your image is too red. Occasionally adding a screen layer of your base is good as well. All depends on what you want your icon to look like at the end. In other words, this Roxas image is randomly picky and is different to everything else. XD
5. Duplicate your auto'd base. Set the layer to soft light, 100%.
6. Create a new Curves (Layers -> New Adjustment Layer -> Curves). Set the channel to RGB, with input to 166 and output to 114.
8. Tada~! You're officially done.
Feel free to add text and all the other usual stuff on your finished icon.
Other icons made with this effect:
Feel free to take any of the three icons, but don't forget to comment! Please comment on your opinions, and ask any questions if you had any. I'd love to see your results!
One down, several to go. Meep.