Jan 11, 2007 19:58
It's only the first week back and I feel like I'm going to die already. There needs to be about 5 more hours in a day. I'm only getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night and then the days are nonstop. Already! I haven't even got into my projects or anything else. I don't know where those are going to fit in. This semester is going to be ridiculous...15 credit hours of classes that have endless amounts of projects and group projects, 25 hours of work a week, a goal to work out every day, and I have to try and balance a social life and try and see my family sometime. Right now I can't even find a place to live for next year and that is taking up way too much of my time. I hate BSU houses and apartments. But I'll get through...I'm just already expecting an emotional breakdown at some point this semester.
The sad thing is this is probably what the rest of my life will be like. I'm definitely a career woman now and I want to have kids, so that will be even worse.
You know what really annoys me though about the whole time thing; when people who have time make you wait and waste your time. I haaaate it. That happens to me all the time and just annoys me to no end.
And I'm babbling about nothing. I need to stop.
But...what is this with more troops going over to Iraq??? IT'S NOT WORKING!!!! It didn't work in Vietnam or Korea. And all this self righteous stuff about spreading democracy and we had to capture Saddam Hussein because he's such a horrible person is bull shit. The first reason we went in there is because of 9/11...when they had nothing to do with 9/11 (or anything we can find). Then it was "weapons of mass destruction". Where the hell are those? And now we have to spread democracy to the Iraqi people. blah, blah, blah What about almost every single country in Africa? They go through hell every day. We're not over there trying to overthrow their governments. We give them food and money, but not enough. You know why we're not over there more...they don't have oil. I believe the only reason we're in the Middle East is because of all the oil. And all the big oil company assholes don't want to look into other forms of fuel because they want MONEY. And I admit I kind of thought we should go to war after 9/11 and all of that...but 9/11 was 2001. It is now 2007. Admit that we were wrong and back out with some dignity, try and let the Iraqi government figure themselves out. This is all about money. So people are dying because of money. But I guess that happens every single day. And if anyone reading this thinks I wouldn't support the troops and blah, blah...I DO. I have a very special person in my life that is a freakin Ranger. One of the toughest and hardest part of the military. I support them whole heartdly, I just don't support the reason their over there or their Commander in Chief.
Ok...I'm done. I just had to get some stress out. I'm generally still a happy person, promise. :)