Aug 10, 2008 19:30
this summer i've been playing "ultimate frisbee". i've never even picked up a frisbee before this, but i decided to give it a shot and it ended up being pretty awesome. i got to meet some interesting people, made some friends, and had something else besides work to focus on.
i planned to play this evening but my washing machine decided to explode so instead i'm home dealing with that. roar. i called to explain but i know it sucks not to have enough people to sub in, so hopefully no one is mad at me :( luke is gone for a few days for a conference and of course as soon as he leaves the washing machine dies and our fish is having some sort of malfunction. he's still sort of swimming but it's like he can't float. very weird.
this weekend has been stressful. i took friday off which was a mistake b/c i left a lot of work at the office and haven't been able to stop thinking about it all weekend. i hate that! thursday i got out late and rushed home to have a BBQ with my family and aunt and uncle who came up from PA to visit. it was incredibly boring, rained, and my aunt and uncle were a lot weirder than i remember.
friday i went to saco to hang out with christine which was really fun :) we made dinner, and watched to opening ceremony...pretty cool. i can't believe it was 4 years ago that i went to china.
saturday we spent the day with luke's fam who was up visiting from south carolina. did some tourist things and then had dinner at local 188. after we went to a party that some of our frisbee friends were having. played wii bowling and totally rocked at it.
today i dealt with everything going wrong and then went to see the dark night with my parents. it was awesome but put me in a weird mood and made me want to complain about how weird my weekend was. so there.
this week, especially the next 2 days will be really busy at work but luke is gone so i can spend my life at the office. woah fun. i'm doing a group orientation tommorrow which always stresses me out and i have a big project due tuesday which i'm no where near done. hooray for me. it always works out, but unfortunatly weighs on my mind.
hopefully the rest of the week will be less stressful/weird. i need some sleep.
anyone reading this will probobly wonder why i didn't just delete it. i'll update more positive/exciting things soon; just in a weird mood this evening.