Apr 20, 2008 08:18
or running. both of the things i told myself i was getting up early for. i'm strangely hung over though so it remains to be seen if either of these will happen anytime in the near future.
when i used to update LJ every day it was easier to reflect on the details of every day. now it's more a summary of months at a time. i should update more.
primarily what's happening in life right now is work. i'm leaving this week for an orientation in jamaica/trinidad where i have to give 2 presentations to 300+ students with my co-worker danielle. the presentations are all about how to work in the US legally- like applying for social security numbers, regestering with the US government, and getting insurance coverage through us. it's very interesting, but 2 hours long and quite a public speaking shock. we should have some free time to explore, i just never thought taking a week out of my regular job responsibilities to do this would be so taxing. work suddenly got a lot harder when one of my co-workers in the department quit and my boss got demoted to "director of facilities" aka "person who call the plumber when needed". so i went from the girl who gets coffee to the girl who does 80% of the human resources work for 350 employees in 40 countries. it's kind of hilarious that they've entrusted me with this, but it's also A LOT of work. i live there now basically. they are in the process of hiring a new director to take over the department at which point i will get a title promotion and a raise. it's about time. i've also been visiting lots of job fairs and school career fairs and setting up my little table to talk to kids about CIEE. it's a fun time.
when i'm not at work, luke and i are busy looking for a new/bigger apartment. our lease is up in june, so we've been touring a few places. it would be nice to find one with a shorter walk to work since that's getting old. i can't believe we've been living here for a year. i seriously don't know where the time went. the great news is that jana is now doing so much better and she and i are on a health kick so we can avoid all the other serious illnesses that seem to plague our family. i'm so happy that things are going so well in that department, i can't tell you what an enormous relief it is to see my family get back into a somewhat normal way of life. although i'll be really sad when she goes to boston in the fall since we've spent 1 million hours together this past year :(
a few weekends ago luke's friends from school came and stayed with us, greatly emphasizing the fact that we need a bigger place since everyone basically slept on top of each other. good times. other than that we've been going out as much as we can, still meeting new people and exploring what portland has to offer. this place is starting to feel small since every time i go out i end up seeing co-workers. but it's good, i really like the people i work with and i'm starting to feel a sense of community there even in such a large company.
today luke's family is coming down, hence the reason for cleaning. if i'm ever rich the first ting i'm doing is hiring a cleaning service to come like twice per week. every weekend i get up and look at how gross my apartment is and wonder how it got that way. we're never home so it's really a mystery.
henry (the cat) is doing really well. he's pretty fat but he's picked up a new activity which involves running laps from 2 to 5am and pawing the blinds beside my face until i wake up. i figure this will get him down a few pounds since it must be exhausting.
today i really need to practice my presentation (never thought i'd be saying that after college!) and start packing for my trip. i leave thursday morning and i'm going to be incredibly busy for the next 3 days. i was supposed to go to see my parents and talk about switching my car insurance but i think i might put them off for another week. there's just too much going on for me to think clearly today. oh well.
first i'm going to meet christine for coffee. then i'll figure out my life.