Sometimes you're really alone, sometimes you're really alone.

Dec 01, 2008 23:18

Random things before bed:

- Cankersores totally suck... lately they go away just to pop up elsewhere. Ugh!

+ Jon is coming back to the States from Mozambique! So excited to see him & hear all about his journeys!!

- Work was nuts today... what else should I expect after a long weekend though?

+ Getting excited to visit Diesel in Boston w/ Brad. Hooray roadtrips & hooray Trio! Still have yet to plan out the details of when and all of that, but still, it makes me happy to think about it, to know that it is one of the many things I have to look forward to [and I feel that I do have many good things to look forward to... and that is something else that makes me pretty content as well.]

Okay, that's it. Night lovies!

trio, diesel, future, friends, bummers, brad, jon, work, random

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