Character Name: Alec (X5-494 if you want to get technical)
Series: Dark Angel
Age: 20
From When?: Post-series (he's never actually come particularly close to death canonically, but given the hostile nature surrounding him and his own after Freak Nation, it's entirely plausible that he would in the near future.)
Inmate/Warden: Inmate: Despite all he's learned/taken from Max and those around him, he still has a very lose moral code and is incredibly selfish in most things. He's really not adverse to stealing (from the elderly, no less) and exploiting his talents as a "supersoldier" to earn some cash. Not to mention, possibly due to the extra 10 years in Manticore and the time in PSY-OPS (thanks for that, Ben,) he finds it a lot easier to embrace his past as a genetically enhanced killing machine than Max - whiiiich kinda feeds back into his moral ambiguity.
Item: N/A
Abilities/Powers: As an X5, Alec has enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, stamina, coordination, healing, metabolism, eyesight, hearing and an enhanced immune system. Through both modified genetics and rigorous physical and psychological training.
To elaborate, he's been shown to overpower men three times his size, move at speeds that make him appear as little more than a blur. He has a high number of stem cells in his blood, which makes healing from most injuries a quick process. With his enhanced eyesight, he's able to see in very little light and can selectively zoom and focus on distant targets. As all transgenics, he's immune to common biowarfare agents and is most likely immune and/or highly resistant to most common diseases. (He's not immune to a good old fashioned kick to the balls, however.)
Alongside this, he has an eidetic memory (it seems possible that even being brainwashed to forget something would fail should the right triggers arise,) and a genius level IQ. He seems to have an incredible aptitude for learning, having managed to become a concert-level pianist in a day. He's also adept at assessing people and situations, which enables him to adapt to change and unexpected situations with relative ease. This also feeds back into his ability to learn new skills quickly and accurately.
Copied from the wiki: "Trained as a Manticore supersoldier/assassin, some assumptions are that: he is highly skilled in CQB, recon, infiltration, tracking, observation, escape and evasion, espionage, computers, explosives, and handling vehicles (including various military planes and helicopters), has achieved fluency in many languages, and has a black belt in various martial arts such as Krav Maga, Taekwondo, and Judo."
He will also provide the ability to turn nine out of ten facial expressions into something involving a pout.
I imagine his genetic enhancements would be reduced to only being somewhat above what a non-enhanced human could achieve on their own, though I'm not sure what you'd want to do with his memory...
Personality: Alec is, to make a long story short, a dick.
On the surface, he comes across fairly sociopathic. He's intensely selfish with little regard for others and a need for instant gratification. He has an acute sense of self preservation and it's not unlike him to do the hard thing or something that may even come across as unnecessarily dickish to protect his cover. Plus he also enjoys talking about himself at any given opportunity. At great lengths. Often to the point where it may be tempting to punch him in the mouth just to make him shut up for thirty seconds before he starts complaining.
Of course, like so many asshole pretty boys, this is only one facet of his personality. To say it's only an act or just a front would be a lie of grandiose proportions, he is intensely self serving and he's put more than one friend in danger and hurt people quite a few times because of his fondness for quick and easy money. He keeps himself incredibly closed off, preferring not to acknowledge his problems or his feelings. He dislikes the idea of letting people get too close, due to what happened to Rachel Berrisford and probably reinforced by the issues between Max and Logan, he seems mostly convinced that getting involved (especially with a non-transgenic) is akin to signing the other person's death certificate.
Alec is someone who's a wealth of self-confidence and charisma, but the fact of the matter is that despite this, he's a deeply conflicted individual. In lieu of the life and understanding he's acquired since Manticore's destruction, Alec has a lot of trouble understanding his past and himself. As someone who's spent his entire life doing what he's supposed to instead of what he wants to, Alec is really only just learning who he is. This isn't helped any by the fact that he refuses to acknowledge painful events in his life, it can be hard to tell when he stops rolling with the punches and starts deluding himself into believing he's fine because he believes that by just walking away and leaving things behind, he won't have to deal with the things that make him hurt. He's pretty emotionally stunted in this respect, he just doesn't know how to cope with these sides of himself, so he doesn't. He just pushes them down and away instead.
Despite his tendency to put his foot firmly in his mouth relatively often (honestly, it's hard to believe he's a genius sometimes). Alec is, by all means and intents, a good friend to those he considers as such. To people who manage to get under his calloused skin, he can be loyal and helpful (in his dickish, Alec-like way,) offering at times annoyingly accurate moments of insight and empathy, and also a good kick up the ass for motivation, should it be needed. He's protective of those he considers his own, just, becoming someone who he would consider to be one of "his own" is something incredibly hard to do. You've got a lifetime of supersoldier training, followed by being released into a world where "his kind" were hated, hunted, tortured and murdered to contend with.
Whilst he really doesn't take well to anything resembling kidnapping, Alec will probably adapt fairly quickly to the Barge. "Adapt," meaning vehemently denying that he could possibly be dead and attempting to get on with things and likely looking for a way back. If anything, his reduced abilities are going to be what affects him the most. He's a smart guy, and he'll figure out how to get on with things without them, but it's going to be a constant problem for him, but he'll do a damn good job of hiding it.
Path to Redemption: Alec kind of likes himself the way he is, so any overt attempts to change him would be met with plenty of sarcasm and resistance. Subtlety is key with Alec, (though he is incredibly perceptive,) the little things go a long way, y'know? He also doesn't take well to imposed authority, attempting to force him into line will make him rebel and punishments - especially something like solitary confinement - would make him act accordingly out of self-preservation (if he did at all) rather than out of his own personal beliefs.
The key with Alec is that he's still learning. He understands ethics and such objectively, but he's still figuring out how he feels about things personally.
Er, I think where I'm going with this is that - at the risk of sounding like a TV special - Alec needs friends more than anything. People to help him question his own beliefs and standards and figure things out for himself without forcing him to do so.
He also really, really needs to learn how to deal with his past. As he is, he's someone who constantly needs distractions to stop from questioning himself or thinking too much, but I honest to God have no idea how anyone can make him do that.
I think the biggest hurdle any wardens will face is that Alec is far from a trusting person in everyday life. A situation like this is far too similar to being back in Manticore for his liking and he'll resist with everything he's got. From his point of view, this is akin to reindoctrination, which is a huge Do Not Want.
History:Alec's history is fairly sparse, so you'll have to bear with me here.
Like so many poor souls, Alec was one of Manticore's creations. Part of the X5 line of transgenics, he was indoctrinated with Manticore's philosophies, rules, and so on from an early age, and taught to fight, kill and how to operate in the field as soon as he could comprehend what was going on around him.
When Max's group escaped in '09, the entire X5 line was subject to reindoctrination, the fear being that they were too independent. As their genetic doppelgangers, the twins of the escapees (Alec included, as Ben's twin,) were subject to the worse of this, as it was assumed they would also be psychologically similar. Their reindoctrination was the harshest, including six months in PSY-OPS to thoroughly erase any similarities to their twins. (Looking at Alec and Sam's appearance later on, I'd say it was a success. Most likely with constant reinforcement throughout their lifetimes.)
He probably lived a fairly normal life from here - as much as "normal life" could apply to anyone affiliated with Manticore - continuing his training and missions diligently as time went on. The only snag in his life is probably where the Berrisford case is concerned. At around the age of 18, he was assigned his first long-term mission away from Manticore, he was to observe and eventually assassinate one of Manticore's subcontractors who was asking too many questions. He went in as "Simon Lehane," a piano teacher for Berrisford's daughter, Rachel. Unfortunately, he came to fall in love with her, he couldn't knowingly let her die when the car bomb he'd planted went off, and he tried to find a way to stop it. His handlers were on to him, however, and set off the bomb remotely instead. He was apprehended before he could see what happened to her, and was severely punished and most likely subjected to brainwashing to make him forget and/or not care about the mission in order to resume his duties as a soldier.
Things continue as normal for a while, until Ben becomes a serial killer as a result of his inability to cope with the outside world. As his twin, Alec was bundled up and hauled back into PSY-OPS to make sure he was nothing like his brother and the same wouldn't happen with him.
Finally, around a year later, we get to Alec's debut in the show. After Max is captured by Manticore, he's assigned as her breeding partner and is (understandably) met with hostility - he doesn't really help his case any by being a righteous dick and she names him "Alec" for "Smart Alec." After some time, he discovers that she thinks she's found a way to escape and agrees to help her get away. Turns out this was all a ruse, mind, as Max was injected with a virus fitted for Logan's DNA (who she's kissed and infected by this point.) He informs her of this after having followed her to Logan's apartment and tells her that to get the antidote, she has to turn herself and Logan into Manticore.
(Max being Max, of course, refuses and manages to get the antidote, cause Manticore's self-destruction and release all the Transgenics trapped inside. All in a night's work.)
Seeing as how there's no Manticore to go back to, Alec decides to roll with it and get on with his life on the outside world. Unfortunately, he spots a bunch of younger transgenics who make this pretty damn hard. He decides to track them down - them being on the lose with no idea how to fit in makes things difficult for him. He tries to explain the reality of the situation, (Maticore was not attacked and they're not wanted alive,) but they refuse to listen. Stuff happens and Max gets captured by White. Alec followed them, and releases her (along with another transgenic) and they manage to take down the base and change the signal being broadcasted to reveal the truth of the situation.
A little later, the group of kids Alec found are issued with passports and such for them to go into hiding. They all - Alec included - also have a moment of silence for their fallen comrade before parting ways. (This is also probably Alec's first instance of "looking out for me and mine," though he'd never admit it.)
After this, Alec takes up cage fighting for a little while, using his 'gifts' to win fights and money with ease. Unfortunately, this doesn't do much in the way of "keeping a low profile," and just after deciding it's a good time to retire, he's captured by White. In bargaining for his life, Alec agrees to help him locate the missing transgenics. He's fitted with an explosive rigged to blow if he doesn't bring back three barcodes within 24 hours. He has no qualms taking down a woman who looks more panther than human, and takes her barcode. He can't seem to do the same with an X6, however, and simply knocks him out instead of killing him before taking the barcode. When asking for more time, White informs him that he knows Alec never killed the kid, but still gives him a chance to get a third. This results in him trying to take Joshua's, who has no barcode, and so he sets his sights on Max's, but can't do it.
After explaining his situation, Max brings him to a guy who can remove the explosive, but she has to pay the money she was saving to cure her virus. Alec is genuinely sorry for this, but Max wants nothing to do with him and he so leaves.
Some time later, Alec appears pulling the same job as Max. Since they can't be in the same place for ten seconds without arguing, the job ends up botched and they part ways. The very next day, however, he turns up at Jam Pony looking for a job. Of course, Max is annoyed with this, but Normal is/was a huge fanboy and gives Alec a job. Crazy shenanigans ensue that have nothing to do with him, but he does end up paying Max back the money for that doctor.
A lot of stuff happens from here on out, mostly involving dealing with the fact that there are transgenics lose everywhere and Max feels it's her responsibility to do something about it. Alec helps because he cares in his weird way.
Tagging along with Max one day, they end up doing a run to the Berrisford mansion and Alec is hit with flashbacks to what happened. He gets noticeably unsettled about the whole thing and tries to convince Max to drop the package and get out of there when no one answers. Later on, at a dinner at Joshua's house, Alec gets genuinely upset over Max's teasing and leaves the table. Playing the piano downstairs, he's hit with more flashbacks and is so caught up in all this that when Joshua comes down to talk to him, he's startled and nearly attacks him. Alec leaves the dinner party shortly after this. He receives a phonecall that consists of nothing but the song he taught Rachel to play and he goes back to the mansion, watching from the cover of the bushes until he sees the silhouette of a woman he believes to be Rachel. Rattled by this, he goes home to make a vague attempt at sorting out his head.
(At some point here, Joshua also explains to Max that, while he chooses not to acknowledge it, Alec is deeply confused about his past with Manticore.)
Later on, Max find him drowning his sorrows at Crash and attempts to talk. He... politely informs her that she can't understand what he's dealing with because she left Manticore and things only got worse from there. He tells her to stay out of his business and leaves the bar, at which point he's jumped by two guys calling him by the name he used during the mission. Max helps him out, but it isn't appreciated and he takes off again and gets another piano-call a little while after. Pretty much in a state by now, he goes to the mansion, desperate to see Rachel. Only it turns out she's not there, the whole thing was set up by her father to get him there. Finding out that Rachel is in a coma and that Berrisford brought him here to kill him, Alec is a mess and starts telling Berrisford to kill him. Only Max saves Alec before he gets a chance to shoot. Unappreciative once again, Alec shoots off to find Rachel to apologise. Finally, after her death and funeral, Alec visits Rachel's grave to say his goodbyes and is told not to come back by her father. Putting things behind him as per usual, Alec returns to work, assuring Max that he's always all right.
More crazy stuff happens involving transgenics on the loose, Max's virus and the
Breeding Cult. Alec gets arrested on suspicion of the murders Ben committed, Max meets her evil twin and Joshua relocates to Transgenic City. Eventually, knowledge of the "Transgenic Threat," comes to pass, along with the fact that many even look like regular humans. This eventually causes witch hunts and hate crimes to spread throughout the city. During the events of Freak Nation, wherein he, Max and several others out themselves as transgenics after an attempt to get a pregnant X5 to safety goes horribly wrong. After managing to escape a fight with The Phalanx, they head to safety in TC. They (all the transgenics currently in TC) take their stand - they're done hiding and they're not going anywhere.
They hoist their flag - seemingly on the brink of war - and that's where the series leaves off.