Jun 21, 2008 14:32
I'm seriously thinking of going back to school this fall instead of this spring. As long as I don't overload myself, I really think I could make it work... but then, there's still that doubt there. 85-90% sure still leaves 15-10% doubt. I wish I could know that everything will work out okay, but I know I can't, and it is driving me crazy. I have way too much time on my hands. Or on my brain, as it were. It's set to WORRY/PLAN/WORRY and I have nothing to occupy me in order to shut it off.
Right now, I feel like my biggest obstacle in going back to the U is money. My dad lost his job for the third time within a year back in March, and now that he's finally found a job, it's commission-only which is really tough starting out. I don't have financial aid right now because my credit-completion hours aren't up to what they should be, apparently. I could appeal, but there's no guarantee. My parents have some money set aside for school for me, but that's only going to last so long and I already have a tremendous amount of guilt that they have to pay for everything. I'd never be able to handle a job on top of school, especially specially the first semester when I'm going to have to really watch my stress level. I don't want to have to go to UWGB. It's just... not as good as the U. I'd have to be an English major because their History program is truly awful. Still, it'd be cheaper, and I'd feel less guilty, but I don't think I'd be as happy there. I <3 Minneapolis and I <3 the U.
money honey,