Oct 06, 2008 21:52
1) Today I was babysitting my very favorites Liam and Owen and Rory and my sister sent me a video via cell phone of her saying hello to them. Liam and Owen immediately insisted upon creating a response, which they did and we sent, and when Rory woke up from her nap I showed her, and she began kissing the cell phone screen. Most Adorable Ever.
2) Well, maybe Stone ties for Most Adorable Ever. He is my boyfriend at A Place To Grow (don't tell Andy!). He's 18 months old and has recently taken to holding my hand for no apparent reason, and on top of that, kissing my hand every so often. How freakin' cute is that?!
3) My dad recently got a new cell phone and downloaded ring tones for it. Yes, plural. He's got a Disturbed song and an AC/DC song. It's awesome.
4) I've gotten a couple of offers on my little gecko-y love via craigslist, and I haven't responded to a single one yet. I really do need to find a new home for her, but I'm very sad to do it. Somebody please take her! Somebody I know! pleeeeease!
5) Addendum to the dad's cell phone story: Every night for the past week at least he's sat in his chair, cat on his lap, cell phone in hand. Tonight Mom finally asked what he was doing, and he showed us: He's been playing SuDoKu. And Tetris. A regular teenager, he is.
6) Also on the topic of cell phones, mine keeps randomly turning off. My old one did that too... when it was two years old. This one is two months old. This is a problem.
7) Apples you pick yourself taste infinitely better than apples that somebody else picks for you.