(no subject)

Apr 09, 2008 21:22

I just drank 32 oz of Diet Coke (I know, I know, Coca-cola regularly pwns India, but being a corporate sell out tastes so good) and now I'm feeling both wired and giddy. This is probably incredibly obnoxious to anyone in the library around me. Especially when I was watching Never Mind the Buzzcocks. (PS, if you haven't seen that show, search for it on youtube.com, watch an episode, and thank me some time in the future).

One of the girls in Eco-Lit had this little quiz book, and it was a lot of silly questions, like what I like on my hamburgers (ketchup, mustard, and onions always; tomatoes and lettuce when the mood strikes) and what my last dream was (I told her I couldn't remember, which was untrue, but I am pretty sure that discussing dreams of a sexual nature involving myself and Deak Evgenikos character from Itty Bitty Titty Committee are pretty much off limits during Help Yourself events). However, two questions stuck in my head: what do I want right now? and who is my hero?

Right now, I want more self discipline and to pass my classes, which sounds like a small feat, except that I'm still working on my senior thesis manuscript. I'm rather frustrated at myself, because I had SUCH a successful Fall semester, and now I'm backtracking and flailing and incredibly stressed.

And my current hero is most definitely my mom, which I feel a bit mean saying because I don't like to pick a favorite, ever. But after the phone conversation with my mother last night, she's damn up there. She always knows what to say to bring up my self esteem. Which is nice, especially when I feel like I'm constantly disappointingly her.

But fuck these serious entries! The main reason I wanted to post something was so that I can remind myself to get a hold of The Cliks album AND their cover of "Cry Me A River". ALSO, The Gossip covers of pretty much anything are fantastic.

Off to go do something or whatever,
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