Oct 10, 2006 23:37

1. 4th grade teacher's name:
--mrs. dimopoulas... i HATED her. 4th grade was the worst year of my educational life... and my friggen crafty sister told her she was my favorite teacher when she had her in 4th grade so that she would like her more. seriously, my sis would like suck on a test and say "michelle says hi from college." crafty little bitch.

2. Last words you said to dad:

3. Last song you sang:
--what i did for love at cabaret rehearsal... that mike and i showed up for all of 5 minutes before it ended hahaha

4. Last person you hugged:
-- gary, the coolest person i know. seriously, this guy is cool.

5. Last thing you laughed at:
--how hyper i got really quickly after drinking the latte that mitch just made me with FOUR count them FOUR shots of espresso.

mitch- oh yea, i accidently put 4 shots
me- am i going to be bouncing off the walls?
mitch- nah, it's nothing

10 minutes later in the car with gabe
me- omgihaventwrittenthatpaperonthetempestyouneedtohelpmeiamgoingtobeupallnightandthatswhyineedtheseshotsofespressoIFEELLIKEIMONDRUGSSSSSS!!!!

6. Last time you said I love you and meant it:
--today to my mommy

7. Last time you cried:
-- i really can't remember

9. What color socks are you wearing:
--bare feet

10. What's under your bed:
--a milk crate w/ all my books and papers, my aqua trunk w/ all my sheets and towels, a milk crate with all my shoes

11. What time did you wake up today:

12. Current Taste:
--toffeenut latte aftertaste

13. Current hair:
--pulled back and sloppy

15. Current annoyance:

16. Current longing:

17. Current desktop background:

26. If you could play any instrument what would it be:
--my pretty purple guitarrrr

27. Favorite color(s):
--red, yellow

29. How tall are you:
--5 feeeet

30. Current favorite word/saying:
--word, true, true true

31. Favorite Show:
--grey's anatomy

32. Favorite season:
--FALL! holy shit, i love fall

36. What is your career going to be like:
--UNKNOWN!!! ahhhhh

37. How many kids do you want:
--i don't know.


39. Said "I love you":
-- yes

40. Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc:
--haha yea buttercup and i fight,but we always make up

41. Have you ever been to New York:
--yesssss i live right hereeee silly

42. Been to Florida:
--yes yes, disney at 6 and right before the cruise a few yrs ago

43. Been to California:
--when i was like a baby

44. Been to England:

45. Been to Mexico:

47: Been to Australia?:
--nooo but i want to

48. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:
-- i dream lots of stuff before it happens

52. Do you have a crush on someone:

53. What book are you reading now?:
-- heart of darkness for class... at least i'm supposed to be reading it...eeek

54. Where is it?:
-- ...

55. What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
-- how many classes have i missed so far?

56. How many rings before you answer:
-- like on time through the bass line of "blister in the sun"

57. Future daughter's names
--i don't knowww

58. Future son:
--i don't knowww

59. What do you sleep with:

60. What do you wear to sleep in:
--lately... tanks and undies. sometimes tanks and boxers or tanks and pj pants, but man undies feel lovely.

61. Where are you:
--my bedddd

62. Where do you wish you were?
--my beddd...on FRIDAY

63. Piercings:
--ears, formerly nose..i still have a bit of a hole though


67. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use:
--fructis long and strong

70. Who is the last person that called you:
--george geoffrey gay! i know, i couldn't believe it either... but he actually picked up the phone and called me just to chat and ask after my play. imagine that.

71. Where do you want to get married:
--vegas. or some town hall or something. if i do. get married that is.

72. If you could change anything about your life what would it be?
--i wouldn't have wasted time on a lot of things.

73. Hate:
--no time for hate.

74. Been In Love:
--i don't know. once upon a time i thought so, but who knows.

75. Are you timely or always late:
--usually late

76. Do you have a job:
--yeaaaa babyyyy. i build things in the TiTR... and i still work at target

77. Do you like being around people:
--mostly, accept for when i want to be alone lol

78. Best feeling in the world:
--eating carrot cake, orgasms... probably on an equal level lol

80. Are you a health freak:

81. Do you have a "Type" of person you always go to:
--um i've had some doubles but no "type"

82. Are you lonely right now:
--nope nope nope

86. Do you want kids:
-- i don't know.


87. Cried:

88. Bought something:
--i was going to buy coffee but it was freeee

89. Gotten sick:
--i feel wicked sick, but not like vomiting if thats what you mean

90. Sang?
--not last 48hrs

95. Talked to someone:

96. Had a serious talk:
--actually kind of. maybe kind of. i don't know if it was or not. it was definatly a talk.

97. Missed someone:
--i miss buttercup.

98. Hugged someone:

99. Kissed someone:

100. Dreamed about someone you cant have:
--not last 48 hours haha
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