Dec 20, 2007 22:56
To the Parents of David Weindorfer:
David was recently invited to attend a 2008 People to People Future Leaders Summit. We learned of David from the College Board Student Search Service, the organization that administers the SAT and PSAT. Participating in the summit is an opportunity that will expand individual knowledge and leadership skills. It is a challenge that will help David develop to his full potential.
The summit is the type of program my grandfather, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, envisioned as a way to foster world citizenship when he founded People to People in 1956. I have immensely enjoyed attending past summits to meet some of the brightest young students in the world.
As David explores leadership styles, examines the college admissions process, and discusses international and local issues, he will grow as an active young leader and an involved citizen of the world. David will return home with new skills and a plan for making a difference starting in his school and community.
It is very exciting that David will accomplish this in an atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm. He will be guided by renowned presenters and leaders who truly love interacting with students. Further, David will have the chance to experience the surrounding area in social and recreational activities with new friends.
I sincerely hope your family will consider this special opportunity. By participating, David will gain an advantage in school, career and life in general.
David still has time to join fellow young leaders on an adventure that would make my granddad proud! Apply online using your personal identification number below at no later that December 11, 2007 or mail or fax your application. If you have applied since we sent this notice, you will receive a confirmation once your application is processed.
We look forward to seeing David there!
Mary Jean Eisenhower, President and CEO
People to People International
Yep, they sent it to me. David. CLEARLY I AM THE FUTURE WORLD RULER SO ALL Y'ALL BETTER START BOWING DOWN BEFORE ME. funny story, this showed up Dec. 20. Cutoff date, Dec. 11. Another funny story. I read this and said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
No joke.
In other news, Britney Spears' 16 year old sister is pregnant. Who cares?