Jul 01, 2009 02:52
Well, I've been doing well for myself this summer, I think! I love my job very much, and it's pretty much the only reason I leave the house (lucky for me, I've been getting more hours :D). Still playing Left 4 Dead insanely much, but today I got ~THE 'WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE?' ACHIEVEMENT~ for beating all campaigns on expert. I feel so immensely badass, and it was only 35G. Whatever. Four more achievements to go, then I will be done with that game forever. Matthew's gonna be so pissed that I did it without him, it will be glorious.
But anyway, back to stuff. Today I got 'borrowed' to a store in Scottsdale, which was a good 20 minutes from my house, but that was ok I guess. Scottsdale is a really snooty town, and the mall this EB Games was in was EFFING HUGE and I got lost, but I had a fantastic time. It was supposed to be me and a kid named Chris on shift, but Frank stayed after his shift because we were having so much fun. I think we had 3 customers, and I probably did a half hour's worth of work. In five hours. It was soooo much different than my normal store - we're workaholics there.
It was so laid back though! And my god, my stomach hurt from laughing once I got home. We chatted about video games and Family Guy mostly, but man those guys were funny. We're planning to have a party where we just play MGS4 all night, which I am IMMENSELY excited about, since I've been dying to play that game forever. My mom is hesitant to let me chill with some random dudes, but they seem really harmless. In fact, I felt a little ostracized for my age. Chris is 19 and Frank is 21, so they were like "oh shit you're a little kid!" and were acting like they couldn't hang out with me because I was 16. idc, yo.
What else is going on? Not much. I bought CoD4:MW a few days ago, but I think I'll play it after I'm finished being obsessed with L4D achievements. I also need to read my summer reading books but Jane Eyre is all bleh and I am preoccupied with gaming.
call of duty 4,
video games,
left 4 dead,