Jan 20, 2006 22:46
There were some important things I thought of to record here in this livejournal. I thought of them at work while I was daydreaming. I wish I could remember what was so important.
I lit my thumbnail on fire again today.
In a conversation earlier, I wanted to say "motivation" but I couldn't think of the word for it.
Chris has gone through three packs of gum this evening. He's sitting at the computer with his headset on, surrounnded by chewed-up gum and Big Red wrappers. It's because he chews a piece of gum til it's lost the initial flavor, spits it out, and starts another one. I do the same thing.
Yesterday we decided that I'd been spending too much time in the last two weeks watching marathons of Fear and Loathing back to back. So we got some new movies.
I've been eating a lot at night. I should maybe stop that habit. It's a cycle that I've developed, really. I wake up five minutes before work, then I until 9:00 when I get home. And I usually get stoned first. Then I feel like I'm starving.