The funny thing, is that I've been expected him to win

Nov 03, 2004 01:08

Ok guys, not to be pessismistic but this shit is most probably over. If Kerry wins all the state's he's leading right now, and comes from behind in New Mexico, it will be a tie. And that probably won't happen. Holy shit we are so fucked. I feel like I'm in 3rd grade and the Yankees lost the World Series or something, only this is way more serious. Goddam I can't believe this actually happened. 6 states also banned gay marriage. What the fuck. This is absolutely fucking terrible. I actually feel like this is the apocolypse to a certain extent, like any change we (or I guess all 'you' who are over 18) could've made is lost, and that we'll never have a chance ever again. We're just totally fucked at this point, and will probably all be rotting in a nuclear waste dumb by the time 4 years is through. fuck fuck fuck
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