May 09, 2004 02:35
I was just sitting around in my room thinking, and I thought about some things that I'd like to put on paper. But since papers ultimatley decompose or get lost, I thought I'd write it on livejournal. My ideas are probably incoherent, so whatever. This is something that if I felt like figuring out how to eljay cut, I'd use it.
To exist in reality, is basically to be imperfect. The truth of most matters is often prone to shock people, or disgust them, or frighten them. When you really look at something, and examine everything its existence encompasses, what usually seems to result is that you notice more and more imperfections of whatever it is your examining. You could also realize a lot more aspects leaning toward perfection, I suppose, but they would never come without some sort of proportional share of imperfections.
The world in which we live is in every sense, an imperfect one. As is everything that we know about our universe. Furthermore, there is nothing in our world or universe that is completely perfect and actually, physically exists. All we are ever left with are ideas of perfection. We can imagine perfection, in some senses. We can imagine perfect circles, but a perfect circle cannot mathematically exist. We can imagine perfect happiness and perfect love, but no matter how hard we try no one can seem to grab hold of it forever.
The idea of god is that he or she or it is a completley perfect being. That he would possess every aspect of perfection, and possess no aspects of imperfection. We can imagine an idea of god as much as we want. But in this imperfect universe that we live in, nothing perfect can actually exist, only ideas of it can. Therefore, a perfect being, god, could have no place existing in this universe. Nothing perfect can participate in an imperfect universe, and therefore, no god can take a part in any aspect of this universe.
There were some other things I was thinking but they're a bit to incoherent. Then I was thinking about somethign Mike thought of when he was high. That different drugs are gateways into different universes, or different realities. I thought it was a really cool concept.
So yeah, drugs. All drugs essentially come from some aspect of nature, and I far as I know I'm pretty sure every drug is some sort of plant, or orignially comes from some plant. So yeah, within the wide scope of nature, one can find many differnet gateways into many different realites, as Mike was saying. Different gateways(drugs)lead to different realities, but ultimately, one will feel more comfortable and content and happy when walking through any of the gateways (taking any of the drugs). The only real problem, is that the more pleasant any of these different realities are, the harder the drugs are, and the more detrimental they are to one's health. The feeling one gets from taking heorin is quite possibly the most intensely pleasant feelings that one can physically feel, and closer to any type of physically felt perfection imaginable (I mean, I woudln't know from experience or anything, but thats what I gather sorta). At the same time though, heorin is probably the most detrimental drug that exists. Basically, what I'm getting at is that the closer one gets to some physical sense of perfection, the closer one also gets to death. If one really really gets close to perfection through drugs, he overdoses and dies. I guess its getting back to the idea that nothing perfect can exist in this world in a physical, concrete sense. Coming close to perfection ultimatley results in death.
Maybe you could connect this to there being a heaven, I don't know. Like, maybe perfection can only exist beyond death, in some other universe or some different reality. And maybe there is a god, just not one that exists in this universe.
Alright I guess I'm done. Sorry if that was impossible to understand, or just really fucking stupid or soemthing. I just wanted to record what I was thinking in some way, so I wouldn't forget it.