Jan 05, 2008 22:50
Go to your calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2007. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "year in review."
January: the year in review. i like cara's idea.
February: i need to not think, ever. or be nostalgic. because i start to miss things that i'm not sure ever really existed.
March: sometimes i feel like nothing i'm thinking is my own. like everything i'm thinking and feeling has been previously thought or felt by someone else. like nothing is original to me.
April: so, i saved a turtle's life on saturday.
May: so, in the midst of final projects, i've somehow come up with time to analyze myself. i want something more.
June: for just one day i want to not care. to not think about all the things i have to constantly force out of my mind. to just live and be by myself in my own head.
July: this weekend kicked ass.
August: i just took out another $17,000 in student loans.
September: last night i managed to get vodka in my eye. it was possibly the most severe, immediate pain i've ever suffered.
October: one of the greatest feelings in the world is when the kids beg me not to leave.
November: so awesome. his roommate and friends are super cool. and so was the rum with a splash of apple cider that i had less than half a glass of and was significantly tipsy.
December: sometimes, i just want to feel normal.