May 18, 2011 02:30
So I've had a a whole lot of this seasons NCIS sitting on my DVR and I was catching up on a few today. And in all these episodes Vance and Gibbs keep giving each other these long, considered glances. And I suspect it's supposed to be them sizing each other up and being all manly and challenging, but after the third episode in a row of this behaviour, I just rolled my eyes and shouted at the TV, 'Oh for gods sake, just rip each others clothes off and be done with it".
So now, apparently, I ship Leon/Jethro.
That was not something I saw coming.
Also. Castle season 3 finale. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
I mean, I'd had a bad feeling in my gut about where they were going with the 'arc' story line and everybody's favourite precinct captain.
But still. Those last few minutes. Emotional roller-coaster.
My mind. Consider it blown.
This getting all sad at TV shows is getting a little out of hand though. Last week, Bones almost made me mist up behind my glasses, this week, Castle has made me sad. These are supposed to be my fluffy buddy-cop shows guys. Stop killing people, please.
I'm going back to watch NCIS now, and play the Lethro drinking game (I'll be taking a shot every time they give each other a silent, meaningful glance. I'll be drunk in the first ten minutes. Seriously)
- Nat out.
fandoms: ncis,
fandoms: castle,
addicted to many things,
fandom scares me (but its the good type),
zomg its a post,
fandoms: i have many,
anguish andsuffering,
now with enhanced slash-googles,
my mind is a twisted landscape of beauty,
fandoms: bones,