(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 21:47

ToDaY wAs AlRiGhT. cLaRe CaMe InTo My WoRk, sO i GoT tO tAlK tO hEr FoR a WhIlE, wHiCh WaS fUn...this is taking wwwaaayyyy too long.

anyways ugh...the these two managers at BS are getting on my last nerve. okay, yesterday i told the stupid nazi lady off, and today, sandi (sp) came up to me and wanted to know how it went. i told him everything should be good, unless she starts up with me again. he told me that i was the only one who complains about her, and he thinks im over reacting. WHATEVER! okay, everyone who works with me, sees what she does! so i had bridget go and tell him what the nazi was doing on monday. and he told her that im too sensitive! IM TOO SENSITIVE? when i was telling the nazi off yesterday, the only reason i didnt yell was because her eyes were all puffy and red. she looked like she was about to cry! but its not my fault, she's the one who's a jerk to me. If you think im too sensitive, let me know!

sorry, ill stop complaining about work now. AnYwAyS, i can't beleive the senior assembly is already tomorrow. i remember freshman year i would look for jason the whole time, and when i found him, i would just sit there and stare. then last year, i would stare at dan, and now this year, well, i have a few guys ill be looking at. :P

What would you rather have and why:

3 best friends?


25 acquaintances you talk to at school?

That is the difference between me and most of the people in high school
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