Mar 18, 2005 01:32
Many people I truly find interesting think similar to me on political issues. I find this odd, but quite pleasing. The people outside my window are drunk. Drunk and stupid. Drunk and stupid and presumably running their drunk and stupid selves out into the middle of the street, only to be hit by cars and draw a large crowd of spectators. This is one of the things I severly dislike about Oakland. Jebus.
Wonderful news, Easter Triduum is next week. I love Easter Triduum. It's the one part of the year where I can feel an emotional response to my religion. This can be an extremely nice, if sheep-like, feeling. And since I mentioned sheep, one of the biggest analogies in Judeo-Christian teachings is that of the sheep and the shepherd, so I suppose I am justified in my sheep-like ways. At least I can think for myself.
Three words exist in the English language that have the letter combination "uu," vacuum, triduum, and ...? I can't remember. Help on this O Geeky Ones! EDIT: Nevermind I'm cooler than you, here is the answer: "There are only three words in the English language with the letter combination "uu." Muumuu, vacuum and continuum." I suppose triduum is technically not English.