
Mar 03, 2005 10:16

I'm looking for recipes of fabulous, relatively easy-to-make eats. Avec le appartement année prochaine/nachstes Jahr, I need to cook food and good food is always waaaaaaaaay preferable to bad food.

Things I want:

-pennyellopeaurynpendragon's fish (I'll go search for that myself)
-somethingasian's spaghetti sauce
-domrox's pesto pizza

and I welcome more, so pleeeeeease hand 'em over and when you're cool enough to travel to Pittsburgh (if and when necessary) to visit me, I'll cook for you and you can meet my super-awesome roommates of the coming year, Banke and Alicia.

EDIT: I am a moron and I get people's screennames mixed up with their LJ names.
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