Nov 21, 2005 18:06
isabell is deid..the neighbors dog killed who we found on the street with only a collar with a purple bell on it( that why we named her that). my mothers fathers and sisters cat...he, she, its cat....
it was the cat..the sweetst and oldest and most gracsious off all....
and that stupid dogg came and killed her....
i came home..nina told me bout it and why mom was crying..
me mom and crysty went outside and i amde a bamboo cross, put tomato juice in the grave but her in a box and planted her in the gorund with as many pretty thing as i could find.
then buried her up and then took like 2 hours to pretty the grave by jumping the fence and getting leftover petals form summer of this red plant.
then put cocina rocks over it and then big brahces of whiteish leaves looks acatuly really pretty and iam very pleased....and iam not crying no more like i was before of it.....becuz i now god will take good care of her