Aug 20, 2005 23:59
okay well friday~~~
i went to school but i woke up late i had 13 minutes so i took a like super shower thats lasted me like 6 mins lol then got dressed in a mintue (so happy i picked out my outfit the other night or else i would have been late) and then put on my sox and shoes and ran out of the house.
i found out that anoying stupid ugly fucking brat 6th gader kid that goes to my bus stop likes me and it freaks me out 0.o
when i got to school kayla and i had a fight. it really pissed me off but in the end i one the fight and kayla said she was sorry. well there was alot of crap with it though lol. i cried thinking about my family but it's all better. in the end everyone stood up for me
and stuff so it was all good. me and kayla are okay now so thats good.
well some other crap happned it was good _____ knows that i wnat to go out with him lol but thats okay cause i don't mind that much it's not that big of a deal but it's kinda funny how he knows lol.
in p.e i kicked arse in volleyball but what it hgouth was totaly gay was how like logan even though he wasn't on my team he just stood there talking in the back and never atempted to hit tha ball while short morgan and eric and one other kid was hitting the ball and serving it all by them selvs and still losing.
our team rocked thanx to me and amanda (shes so fricking tall! lol)
well i got home and i dana dropped her stuff over my hosue and we went to go see red eye.
it was her first time at the movies so she was pretty exited.
well the movie kinda sucked but what sucked either than that was that jennifer came and kely. i don't mind kelly that much cause shes not as rude aas jennifer but still.
like al together in the row of seats that we where siting in it was colin at the end, kelly,anarosa, jennifer, dana, me, victoria, and briana. down on the other row of setas in the front (we sat on the top row) was sammantha, beverly and harley.
it got me mad though cause stupid jenifer kept talking through the movie and being so obnoctouis and victoria was talking a bit and then colin was gonna trade seats with dana for the half of the movie but was like "no way iam not sitting gby gabie"
it got me mad cause he was cating like such a jerk when last year he was my friend. i think he was actin that way cause jennifer and kelly where there.
oh well i got mad a bit but it wa sokay i guess.
dana came home with me and slept over.
we playe don the cpu and stuff, then wnet in my room and i went through my clothes and picked out some stuff she could barrow from me.
then we crashed in my room woke up to my parents fighting and she went home.
my whole fmaily left today to go to tampa for a footbal game cause we got free tickets to it. lol we don't even like the teams but they went just because.
so me and ashley where home alone. we went to the mall and ran into these creepy fanboys and stuff....then went to best buy and sadly we saw them and where liek three feet away from them but used our ninja skills to avade them cause they where just so anoying. we did it like twice and it worked lol.
i got a free cookie and got sick from it, then ate alfredo and got sick, then ate fucgde and got sick.
i think it was cause wel..thats not real food and really thats all i ate today was junk food and a tv dinner (the alfredo was a tv dinner)
came home afetr the mall and watched midori days. it was such a cute show and such a cute ending <3
well my parents just got home and iam thinking of going to bed soon so blah =__=