May 18, 2006 17:18
OHGOSH. 25 hours &10 minutes 'til CHIODOS!
I could die, I'm so excited. Only I won't because then I'd miss it, &that would be TERRIBLE.
I really like this band, too. &I love Circa Survive a lot right now as well [well, +Chiodos, DUH].
I love music :]
So anyways, I got to school like, 5 minutes after 2nd block started.
I missed Culinary Arts.
You know, the class that I have a project due in tomorrow &REALLY needed to work on in class today :[[ If I fail the final project, I'll just, you know, kill myself.
The concert last night was lovely, though.
The Fray is amazing live. &their opening band was The Damn Wells [I believe] &they were pretty good too.
I have X's on my hands though because I'm under 21 [duh], so now I look like a straightedge bitch.
I have no problem with "straight edge" people. But most of them are assholes &are like "OHMYGOD LIKE SXE. YOU'RE POISONING YOURSELFFFFF! I DON'T NEED ALCHOL/DRUGS/SEX TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL GOOD." blah blah blah.
Ew, +there were 3 drunk preppy bitches that were standing right beside me. I hate stupid drunk girls. Ugh.
Hahha anyways. I don't think I could be more excited about tomorrow.
But now, I have to work on my Culinary Arts project, +I have to clean because Robert &Steven are coming over after school tomorrow &I don't want them to see my house &be like, "ew, messy." hahha :]