WARNING: The following post is about The Sims 3, and therefore will make little to no sense. Enjoy your stay, the gift shop is on the right on your way out.
Part 2
Way Brothers, Frank, & Lyn-z
Gerard Way's Sim [Version 1]*
*Note:I changed his hair at some point, and different clothes as time progressed.
Gerard sees you seeing him seeing porn.
I don't know why i took a random picture of Gerard and Mikey in their bathroom, but I did.
Here's Frankie!Sim [it's a little wonky and I think this picture got flipped somehow]
He likes scaring other Sims a LOT.
And generally being evil..or plotting..or something for some reason.
Mikeyway [version 1, again I got them better hair/clothes later on]
I think Gerard cooked something vegan...and I don't think it settled well.
or maybe Frank cooked ~shrugs~
Gerard and Lyn-Z have an epic love story [video at the end]
Pete still finds time to annoy Mikeyway in the Sims world.
Lyn-Z doing an infamous backbend
I need to get them a television or something...
yes mikeyway DOES have Misfits sheets, don't hate.
NOW SOME FUN PICTURES OF THE FIRE [yeah, I said fun&fire]
Now, you see, the fire is important because of a few different reasons. The big one being it caused my game to die [thankfully I had a backup save from awhile back]. I had to start Gerard & Lyn-Z's epic love all over again..but don't worry, it's all back to normal now.
Well, sort of...they live at a new house now! There will be MANY more adventures to come :3
Gerard&Lyn-Z's Love Story
[more videos in the future]
If you liked this or not, I plan on posting more Sims 3 crap when I get around to it! (: