I live in a houseful of baby animals... you know, NOW. I didn't before.

Aug 10, 2008 21:13

Okay, so.

A month ago, Loo joined my cast of rats. About two and a half weeks ago, Jojo left said cast.

Yesterday, I got two new baby girls from Petco, they're still a bit shy. They're also on antibiotics, because unlike the wild rat, they came a bit snuffly. (I know I shouldn't buy rats from Petco, but it'd sure take me a long, long time to explain to a reputable breeder that I want them as companions for my blind, deaf, two years and four month old female and my maybe two anna half month old male wild-caught roof rat. To the point where a breeder would actually sell me said babies.)

Last night, The Boy's tabletop group found two kittens hiding under a car. The Boy brought one home, all covered in fleas and dirt and flea dirt, while the GM's girlfriend took the other. (He tried to take both, but one does not argue with the DM's girlfriend, otherwise, one gets hard games.)

Tonight, I washed the Boy's kitten, who is now much oranger than he was before (and still quite lovey and purry), and The Boy helped me move Loo into the big cage with Badger.

Loo did not appreciate this, since Loo is not hand-tame. Loo bit the fuck out of my finger, but I can't say I did't deserve it. It's also only my third rat bite ever, and I've had nine rats now.

Put up with the old lady for three weeks, Loo, then you can have two cute little hooded girlfriends. And try not to piss Badger off too much.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have to be very fast and have a liberal does of ingenuity to get a roof rat from one cage to another if he's not a lone rat, doesn't want to go, and you don't have a bathtub handy. Man, Hello never gave me this much trouble. (And I don't recall Hello's pee smelling so bad, dang.) It's not that roof rats are so much more challenging than domestic rats, it's just that they're so much FASTER. I know he'll be happier in that big cage, but seriously, when washing a kitten goes better than moving a rat... Ooof.

Well, at least he's IN the big cage now. There's enough stuff in there that he shouldn't ever get bored again.
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