Scene: 6:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time. I turn on the VS network and catch the last thirty seconds of something called the World Combat League.
It ends. I see the "CBC Productions" logo. I say yay, it's awards time!
It's....Coronation Street. It's on for a few minutes. I am cracking up, because they're putting this on a sports network?!
Then it switches to, uh, the draft lottery? Now, I love the draft. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the draft. But the draft lottery, no I would not like to watch this. And they just said....one day after the regular season wtf.....
WAIT OH. Finally, it's Ron MacLean.
Someone over at VS is really in trouble.
- AWW MIDGY. So cute.
- Oh Dom. He really likes chicken.
- Craig Simpson has the squarest head ever
- DATSYUK'S HAIR IS SO BAD. Hank had a pretty smile though. And oh man. "Hi guys." SO CUTE.
- Cassie Cambell is beautiful. Adam Graves has a shirt that looks like it might be plastic
- VINNIE. Who has no hair and doesn't look happy. Probably because he has no Brad. Aww, goofball forgot the trophy. His Frenchspeaking curls my toes.
- Jason Blake is the blondest creature on the planet. He made me sniffle though
- Datsyuk has this look like "motherfucker, it's not like I learned English in the last five minutes."
- "Now I don't have nothing."
- Hey I saw Dandy's back! I miss him.
- Awww, the Caps coach was cute.
- Patrick Kane has like, baby hair with those curls
- GORDIE HOWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh look, it's this year's diabetes kid!
- Lidstrom. WHAT A SHOCK! ;)
- Brodeur. ALSO A SHOCK. I was gonna write a fic about him once but for the fucking life of me, I don't know who I was going to pair him with
- Just once I would like to see a smiley Russian.
- Awww the Caps coach looked so proud of Ovetchkin.