Feb 22, 2008 19:29
Just a random im message..... about ekas' current post. Read her post to understand >_<
almighty_taka (7:24:39 PM): I like yaoi...but I still like het stuff too
ekas (7:25:14 PM): You're not allowed to. Have you never heard this before? You're living a lie. You only pretend to like the het so that people don't label you as a yaoi fanbrat
almighty_taka (7:26:45 PM): I would tell them to shove a rotten lemon up their noses as I shove my steel-toed boot up their rectum while singing the "Star Bangled Banner" in French
ekas (7:27:02 PM): Mommy's aggressive.
almighty_taka (7:27:07 PM): Daddy likes it
ekas (7:27:10 PM): I do