Jan 16, 2008 20:44
LOL! I am watching Clean House. [You should watch it] The "Dunaway Family" After the Yard sale, Nicey took the money and as a joke "Its all on me" and tossed the money on herself then walked off. The Blonde chick squealed and jumped on the money to keep it from blowing away, then she starts crying "Matthew Help its blowing away!" So he jumped on her back [she's laying on her stomach on the money] and the last guy [who I feel is gay as hell XD] jumped on top of him to keep going with the joke of stopping the money from blowing away and as soon as he did that Matt goes "Now things just got weird." The poor girl on the bottom being squished by a big guy and a tiny gay guy XD YOU MUST WATCH IT! IT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH! HARD!
Today was the quiz...i sat in the dark room for a hour studying before Kevin came in and shouted out "COVER YOUR EYES" and hit the lights XD Then we sat for half a hour talking about the notes.
"You must had really gotten into the book last time. You were really shooting out things last time." "Actually the first time I read the book was the time just before class." "So you were bullshitting?" "Nope! This stuff is a topic interest of mine....so I really know this stuff." "So this is a refreshment for you." "Sorta...but after the Greek stuff I'll be worthless XD"
He kept asking me to explain stuff to him XD
>>;; I r smart?