Oct 13, 2007 19:14
I just wanna diiiiiieeeeeeee TT^TT
Eating hurts so I am completely hungry!!!...and of course everyone wants to go and have nice dinners and ask me if I want anything...I can't chew TT^TT I can have soup. But soup isn't filling. Though on Thursday..I ate like there to four plate of chinese at the buffet place.....I TOOK THE PAIN THAT CAME WITH THE FOOD >_< Oh the delightful pain. My mom laughed at how much I ate..I normally only eat one plate.
I have to take four pills a day......and they aren't little pills TT^TT. I almost asked if I could get the flavored chewable kid verison...but I am sure the lady at the counter would had said no. I WANTED BANANA FLAVORED PILLS!!! OMG! But I am not a kid...therefore I get the freaking HUGE pills to choke down. But the ironic fact is...my dog is taking pills for a ear infection too. Only she gets a pill and a half, and when I was going to give her the pills for Thursday she gave me this most pitiful look ever, I retorted "Knock it off...I have to take four. I should be the one with that face!" My mom cracked up over that XD
Good thing [*shrugs* I dunno if it was or not]....when I was heading home from work yesterday [Yes I went to work feeling horrible and dizzy, etc.] my mom kept aking me "Are you okay to drive?" "If you have any problems call us!" "Are you sure you don't want one of us to come pick you up?" O_o;;
Apparently this is a good sign to have lime green colored drainage in the ear? O_o;; I dunno if that is suppose to be a GOOD thing....but it goes along with my lime green jello theory. But that is another story. I don't think its good I have drainage of my ear in that color...BUT WHY LIME GREEN!!!!!! >_< WHY NOT BROWN OR YELLOW- THE NORMAL COLOR OF DRAINAGE [atleast for me XD]
My jaw hurts, I am hungry, my lymph node is swollen to a rock in my throat, i feel dizzy, my stomach hurts, and I feel like I am gonna throw up and had felt like that all day, and I am freaking tired!!!!
Funny thing was this morning my alarm went off and I didn't hear it until I rolled over on my right side XD OMG! I was deaf in my ear this morning! I rolled over and blinked at the funny noise and sat up and realized....that was the alarm..I almost thought about rolling onto my left side and forget I heard it XD But I got up...and set to work on my room...and I build my cabinet for my dvds *is so damn proud too* My mom looked in on me while I was working on it "Why don't you just ask your father to make it for you!" >_< Dude I build the other one by my self and without a hammer [I used a shoe instead WTF?] and the Molly Monster laid about on my parts and directions too [Molly Monster = my brother's dog that we're babysitting for a week...my puppy niece XD]
Then I re-broke the door to my closet trying to fix it XD it fell off the hinge..I stared at it...then ran XD WTF I ran out of my own room? Natural instinct XD I did the same thing when my computer desk broke...I just ran out of my room "WHAT WAS THAT NOISE??" "I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!!" "IT CAME FROM YOUR ROOM!!" "Umm...I didn't do it?"
On Friday.. I went with my mom to pick up the monkey from head-start. I never done this before so I walked into the room...every kid screamed out "TAKA!!" I stared O_O;;; then a blur of pink came running at me...so I threw her up in the air [our greeting every time we see each other I lift her up in the air just like her daddy does to her.] And here I wish to be a teacher.....kids = scary.
I did I say I want to die?