I wish to thank
draconn_malfoy for listening to me. Thank you again. <3
Wow... you never know who you can consider as a friend. Lovely hints by the way! Oh gee, I must be as dumb as they believe me to be as to not see how certain hints shine brightly though comments/rants made to other people comments. So much for the nice college degree of mine! Maybe tell me if I get too overboard with my fandoms, not that others have not done so as well. Gee willikers Mr. Wilson! I didn't know any better!
Sorry that school was more important then what new manga or anime became popular and that I don't live in a area that believes in completes series. Or HEY my choice of either food, or school, or anime made me desire to eat and go to school a semester longer. So I collect things....my niece happens to get a delight in my stuff. Plushies are her favorite...... and she does loves tea parties...so what if I bought tea cups for a 4 year old to use? How stupid of me to consider a child! Oh sorry....6 items are a TON of things nowadays I guess. Oh gee..... maybe I should sit her down and inform her that I should no longer make the pain in her heart less hurtful because it offends someone. That's okay! An innocent childhood isn't as good as pleasing some hypocrite these days. Oh how could I have forgotten that!!! Sorry baby ....but I guess you'll have to end up a worthless whore just like your mommy! Yea okay ^-^ Ain't that a life to look forward too! Maybe a nice and friendly pedophile would love to have a go at my niece before the fact sets in that she is nothing short of worthless! Oh dear...too much? Whoops-a-daisies!!
Oh sorry....do I sound as much as a bitch as you were trying to not out right be?
Why not tell me to my face and not make pitter-patter behind my back?
Oh sorry...I may be a tad of a bitch....but hey...My mom just found out she may have cancer...so YAY! So go ahead and vent about how I mask my pain X3 It just really makes my day. <3 <3